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Relation to Success

Our competence and our dedication toward achieving your goals…

Relation to Success
A project achieves success when the consistency of SalesFactor’s model is guaranteed.
If the success can be quantified with a reasonable amount of effort, SalesFactor will agree to a success-dependent fee for its services.

Whenever possible, task fields are addressed with tried-and-tested methods that support known approaches.

Project Management and Service
The services to implement the project are always oriented according to the specific project and thus have a clearly defined goal which is often concretely measurable.
The consistent implementation of all planned steps and the collaborative methodology make the project a personal success for each member of the team.

The team is assembled according to the client’s needs. Its resources are the client’s employees, SalesFactor’s personnel, and other experts.

… and your benefits from our competence

Increase turnover through a greater number of closed deals

Safeguard the forecast through qualified opportunities (increase the “degree of hardness” per opportunity)

Expand the sales pipeline

Focus on business fields and opportunities that assure business success

Customer Loyalty
Longer-lasting customer loyalty thanks to a more intensive understanding of the customer

Fundamentals of Decision-making
Improve the fundamentals of decision-making for success-oriented resource allocation

Successfully implement the strategy on the basis of a well-conceived and complete business mode

Increase transparency throughout the business and better understand the business’s own capabilities

Strengthen employees’ motivation
